


Why are biscuits so magical?! Ever since I started cooking with purpose I was determined to figure out how to make a damn good biscuit. They always seem so simple right? It’s never more than just a handful of ingredients mixed together and perfectly plopped on a baking tray. As […]


Buffalo Chicken Nachos

It’s been a minute (a long minute) since I last posted something, for that, I apologize. I have lots of very good excuses but I am sure you don’t really care to hear any of them. The important thing is I am back and I am bringing you delicious food […]


Rosemary-Lemon Roasted Chicken

Summer is over friends. WAHHHHHHH?!?!?! I don’t know why it feels like summer is over in flash when you are an adult. Like wasn’t it just May? I am fairly certain there was some weird time/space leap that made it September… When I was a kid I remember thinking anything […]


Tropical Fruit Salsa

My Friends! It is like the summeriest of summers out there. For the most part we are getting gorgeous weekends which is AH-MAZE-ING. The week days have been rather rainy; I think I heard them say on the news that it has been one of the wettest July’s in history…blah! […]