Maple Bourbon Caramel Sauce

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I like October, October is my favorite!

Boozy Caramel Sauce

I hope you read the opening with the voice of Will Ferrell a la Elf in your head. I basically said it exactly the same way. Can we talk about the how sexy that picture is? I mean I can’t decide what I love more the caramel or the bottle of Smoked Maple Bourbon? This probably explains why I knew they had to be combined.

I think Caramel and Pumpkin are the symbols of fall and perhaps by default, the symbols of October. I actually came across a quote that sums up my feelings about October pretty accurately…

live-in-a-world-where-there-octobers-free-printable This month is also the month of celebrations. My parents celebrate their wedding anniversary (29 years!), then we wish dad a Happy Birthday (forever 50), and then we finish it out by celebrating our wedding anniversary (3 years now). Lots of celebrating and it always help that nature is providing the most excellent of backdrops. I probably stop and take pictures every other day and then I get disappointed when the pictures don’t match what I see. Clearly I need to step up my iPhone picture taking game; where are you iPhone 6 that I ordered a month ago?!?!?!

Side Note: Did anyone catch that blood moon? I always think I’ll wake up to see all those cool astronomical events but then I don’t. I guess I’ll have to wait until 2015.

Making Caramel

When I was making this caramel sauce I started thinking about halloween. I remember making caramel apples one year during halloween, maybe we gave those away as treats? I wish I could remember what we did with those apples but I do remember sitting in the kitchen watching the caramel squares melt and become that delicious coating for those tart apples. As a kid caramel apples were clearly the best fall treat you could ever have but when you are a kid with braces your heart breaks when you realize you can no longer bite into that chewy-crunchy goodness. I know there are others reading this who relate to that pain.

Caramel Drizzle

As a grown up, I have to remind myself that it’s not very ladylike to bite into an apple on a stick. I guess I’ll just have to do it when no one is looking! It should be noted that this caramel sauce has a nice taste of maple bourbon that really takes it to the next level and is certainly not the type of caramel that you want to hand out to the little ghost and ghouls knocking at your door.




  1. Pingback: What's dishing on the blogs: Pumpkin flavors - Pittsburgh News

  2. Pingback: Pumpkin-Ginger Bread Pudding | Haute Pepper Bites

  3. Pingback: Top Recipes of 2014 | Haute Pepper Bites

  4. K P Janek

    Just dumped my old caramel sauce recipe – this one is the bomb!


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