BBQ Chicken Pizza

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MMMmmmm Pizza…

BBQ Chx Pizza

I know it is not Friday or even remotely close to it but I just couldn’t resist. This pizza is like my all time favorite comfort food. I seriously cannot ever turn down a BBQ chicken pizza. The weird thing is they aren’t all that easy to come by, which is crazy! If you have ever dined at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) then you probably have encountered the BBQ Chicken Pizza. It is delicious! It changed the way I looked at pizza. I now know that you can put anything on pizza and it will probably be delicious. I have had egg, clams, potatoes, every vegetable imaginable, pickles, and all were yummy. (Not all on the same pizza)

Whenever the hubs and I are debating what to make for dinner we usually get to a point where one of us suggests pizza. Of course we both agree and then decide that we have to make pizza that requires thought and preparation. What is wrong with us? We can never make just a regular pepperoni or cheese pizza. Side note: I do not eat pepperoni pizza and basically refuse to order it always. I will however make BBQ chicken pizza or some sort of veggie pizza any time and any place. I also like to make pizzas with all the cheeses and roasted red peppers or sun-dried tomatoes. You might also find me messing around with cured meats of some kind. The truth is, I will take BBQ chicken over any and all of it.

Grilled Pineapple

There is something about BBQ that is really comforting. It makes me think of summer and being a little girl playing in the backyard while my parents plan some delicious summer feast. It makes me think of eating with my hands and being intentionally messy. I think about sweet and tangy sauce all over my face and not being bothered at all. When you combine all of those memories in to a dish that is über comforting like pizza you might find it hard to say no. Also, I added grilled pineapple (I Know RIGHT?!?!?) which probably took this pizza to the next level for us.

Chx Tender

Can we pause for a second. I need to take a minute to talk about this whole life business. Do you ever have days where you think you are just not winning at this life stuff? I sometimes find myself in these moods where I feel like I am completely falling behind on all of the things I am supposed to be doing in my life. I feel like I made this vow to be more involved and then I find myself wishing I had not made that vow. I am not sure if I feel overwhelmed or if I am feeling like there are too many things I could do and not enough time to do them? Where is all of the time?

Pizza slices

This pizza helps! I can do more adulting after enjoying my favorite pizza in the entire world. I think if you make this pizza you are going to feel much better about life too. Alright, off I go to be productive. Really must be productive! I hope you love this pizza because I love it.



  1. Cathy Fabry

    OMG – I love BBQ chicken pizza too – it’s so addicting! Your pizza looks amazing – I will try your recipe soon – might even make it on the grill. Have you made pizza on the grill? Any tips? (I was going to use Martha Stewart’s pizza dough recipe.)

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  3. Pingback: The 22 Best Ideas for Barbeque Chicken Pizza – Best Round Up Recipe Collections

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